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Hello? Is it you I'm looking for?

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

I was really starting to worry about the process of finding my mentor, but at last, after 2 months into the semester, I found my mentor. His name is Bradley Carter, and at first, the best way I could remember it was by remembering the name "Bradley Cooper". The way we met was truly in the most unlikeliest way.

"The way we met was truly in the most unlikeliest way."

After a month of not going to my in-person physics lab due to quarantine isolation and it being a hybrid class that separates us into groups that goes in every two weeks, I was finally going to be able to attend. I was to attend on Monday, but to my surprise, I had a dentist appointment at home during that time. I could not have cancelled my appointment, otherwise I would have needed to wait a few more months and that was just not a possibility with finals around that time. So what I did was tell my professor that I could make up class the next day at a later time. I went in the following day, although what was left in store was more than what I could have gained in just one day of class.

"...although what was left in store was more than what I could have gained in just one day of class."

I was the last one to finish, naturally my professor initiates the conversation of how our time here at school has been. We talk for a while until it comes up that he too had a research mentor, but through experience, he had changed his mind and became a teacher instead. Curious about his experience with research, I mention my affiliation with the McNair program. Unexpectedly, I came to learn he was also a McNair coordinator here as well! My physics professor was the one to put up so many of the posters I see around Schneider! I excitedly told him that I was looking for a mentor, but that I had not had any luck. That is when he suggested Bradley Carter, a professor who has had experience working with minorities and being knowledgeable about my hardships as one. The best part is that his research can be easily tide back to my future career goals as a Forensic Pathologist. What a match, wouldn't you say?

"What a match, wouldn't you say?"

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