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Making Big Decisions

As senior year approaches, so do many new experiences. As I have learned from growing up, the older I am, the more responsibilities I get. It has rung quite true in my life. Recently, I have had to think a lot about my future and what it would mean to me.

I come from a small family, where we know where we are, where we discuss our day daily, where we cannot go a day without hearing from anyone of us. I have grown quite comfortable knowing I am not alone and would not have to face life by myself. The reality of getting older and taken on the responsibilities of making life changing decision has not set in until recently.

It is a customary practice to start your life after college because that is what most parents prepare us for. To spread our “wings” so to speak. I am comforted to know I am continuing my education as it has been a constant in my life. However, there are a limited number of master programs that promise to fulfill my dreams and goals. There are about thirteen master programs, that are everywhere but home. My parents have made me fiercely independent, however it has been successful simply because I know I have where to fall back on if I ever do fall.

The thought of leaving home so soon has had me quite pensive. I know I can do this. I have a mission, I have a goal, this is my dream. Albeit the facts, I have been making alternative plans that will better prepare me for my departing. Fortunately, my plans include an internship that will give me more exposure and better preparation regarding my postbaccalaureate goals. On the other hand, the customary practice will have to be delayed. Adding to my worries, I must be aware of what each of my decisions would mean financially.

Being a McNair scholar has helped me feel supported when I am away from home. I have been taught to be strong and perseverant. In addition, McNair will help with finances when taking the GRE, when applying to schools, and everything they offer that has no price. This help is not based on conditions; however, it is based on my promise to continue my education. Which I will be doing, I just do not know when. As it is, I have 4 months to make one of my biggest decisions.

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